A taxonomy of emerging multilinear discriminant analysis solutions for biometric signal recognition


Biometric signals are mostly multidimensional objects, known as tensors. Recently, there has been a growing interest in multilinear discriminant analysis (MLDA) solutions operating directly on these tensorial data. However, the relationships among these algorithms and their connections to linear (vector-based) algorithms are not clear, and in-depth understanding is needed for further developments and applications. In this chapter, we introduce the basics needed in understanding existing MLDA solutions and then categorize them according to the multilinear projection employed, while pointing out their connections with traditional linear solutions at the same time. A number of commonly used objective criteria and initialization methods are discussed. Experiments are carried out on two public face databases to evaluate the performance of the MLDA variants, and the results show that MLDA (and multilinear learning algorithms in general) is a promising field with great research potential.

Biometrics: Theory, Methods, and Applications
Haiping Lu
Haiping Lu
Professor of Machine Learning, Head of AI Research Engineering, and Turing Academic Lead

I am a Professor of Machine Learning. I develop translational AI technologies for better analysing multimodal data in healthcare and beyond.