Learning modewise independent components from tensor data using multilinear mixing model


Independent component analysis (ICA) is a popular unsupervised learning method. This paper extends it to multilinear modewise ICA (MMICA) for tensors and explores two architectures in learning and recognition. MMICA models tensor data as mixtures generated from modewise source matrices that encode statistically independent information. Its sources have more compact representations than the sources in ICA. We embed ICA into the multilinear principal component analysis framework to solve for each source matrix alternatively with a few iterations. Then we obtain mixing tensors through regularized inverses of the source matrices. Simulations on synthetic data show that MMICA can estimate hidden sources accurately from structured tensor data. Moreover, in face recognition experiments, it outperforms competing solutions with both architectures.

European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD)
Haiping Lu
Haiping Lu
Director of the UK Open Multimodal AI Network, Professor of Machine Learning, and Head of AI Research Engineering

I am a Professor of Machine Learning. I develop translational multimodal AI technologies for advancing healthcare and scientific discovery.