Tensor rank estimation and completion via CP-based nuclear norm


Tensor completion (TC) is a challenging problem of recovering missing entries of a tensor from its partial observation. One main TC approach is based on CP/Tucker decomposition. However, this approach often requires the determination of a tensor rank a priori. This rank estimation problem is difficult in practice. Several Bayesian solutions have been proposed but they often under/over-estimate the tensor rank while being quite slow. To address this problem of rank estimation with missing entries, we view the weight vector of the orthogonal CP decomposition of a tensor to be analogous to the vector of singular values of a matrix. Subsequently, we define a new CP-based tensor nuclear norm as the $L_1$-norm of this weight vector. We then propose Tensor Rank Estimation based on $L_1$-regularized orthogonal CP decomposition (TREL1) for both CP-rank and Tucker-rank. Specifically, we incorporate a regularization with CP-based tensor nuclear norm when minimizing the reconstruction error in TC to automatically determine the rank of an incomplete tensor. Experimental results on both synthetic and real data show that: 1) Given sufficient observed entries, TREL1 can estimate the true rank (both CP-rank and Tucker-rank) of incomplete tensors well; 2) The rank estimated by TREL1 can consistently improve recovery accuracy of decomposition-based TC methods; 3) TREL1 is not sensitive to its parameters in general and more efficient than existing rank estimation methods.

ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)
Qiquan Shi
Qiquan Shi
PhD Student (now an AI Researcher at Huawei)
Haiping Lu
Haiping Lu
Director of the UK Open Multimodal AI Network, Professor of Machine Learning, and Head of AI Research Engineering

I am a Professor of Machine Learning. I develop translational multimodal AI technologies for advancing healthcare and scientific discovery.